Operation Riptide Case

There's a shark with its mouth open on the side of the case. They say tattoos with this fish symbolize anger, power, courage, aggression and ruthlessness. Fitting characteristics of any online soldier.
You can find lots of great weapon skins inside the case. For example, MAC-10 Toybox and AK-47 Leet Museo. The starting price of the crate is approximately 1.6 $. Since the container is quite popular, it's easy to find on the Steam Market and other trading platforms.
- AUG | Plague
- Dual Berettas | Tread
- G3SG1 | Keeping Tabs
- MP7 | Guerrilla
- PP-Bizon | Lumen
- USP-S | Black Lotus
- XM1014 | Watchdog
- MAG-7 | BI83 Spectrum
- FAMAS | ZX Spectron
- Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol
- MP9 | Mount Fuji
- M4A4 | Spider Lily
- MAC-10 | Toybox
- Glock-18 | Snack Attack
- SSG 08 | Turbo Peek
- AK-47 | Leet Museo
- Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Operation Riptide Case Key | 2.5 $ |
Chroma 3 Case

The Chroma 3 Case is decorated with numerous stars of different sizes and colors. Mountains and the game logo are also depicted on its surface. It's interesting that in many cultures the heavenly bodies symbolize security, protection and the mystical powers of the universe.
Inside the case you have a chance to find a rare special item like PP-Bizon Judgment of Anubis. The crate also contains MP9 Bioleak, P250 Asiimov, Tec-9 Re-Entry and other stylish skins. The Chroma 3 Cases have a market value of just over 0.8 $.
- Dual Berettas | Ventilators
- G3SG1 | Orange Crash
- M249 | Spectre
- MP9 | Bioleak
- P2000 | Oceanic
- Sawed-Off | Fubar
- SG 553 | Atlas
- CZ75-Auto | Red Astor
- Galil AR | Firefight
- SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader
- Tec-9 | Re-Entry
- XM1014 | Black Tie
- AUG | Fleet Flock
- P250 | Asiimov
- UMP-45 | Primal Saber
- PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis
- M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Chroma 3 Case Key | 11 $ |
Operation Hydra Case

Almost all the best CSGO containers share a single color – yellow. The Operation Hydra Case is no exception. The main feature of the crate is the image of the ancient monster on the front. According to legend, when you sever one of the heads of the bloodthirsty colossus, 2 new ones grow in its place.
Compared to other CSGO cases, Operation Hydra is quite expensive. The crate price is 14.9 $ and higher. Most likely, this is due to the small number of the case offers. At the time of writing of this post, there were less than 1 000 of them on the market.
- USP-S | Blueprint
- FAMAS | Macabre
- M4A1-S | Briefing
- MAC-10 | Aloha
- MAG-7 | Hard Water
- Tec-9 | Cut Out
- UMP-45 | Metal Flowers
- AK-47 | Orbit Mk01
- P2000 | Woodsman
- P250 | Red Rock
- P90 | Death Grip
- SSG 08 | Death's Head
- Dual Berettas | Cobra Strike
- Galil AR | Sugar Rush
- M4A4 | Hellfire
- Five-SeveN | Hyper Beast
- AWP | Oni Taiji
- Exceedingly Rare Gloves
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Operation Hydra Case Key | 2.45 $ |
Operation Broken Fang Case

The image on the Operation Broken Fang Case depicts a brutal struggle between a tiger and a huge snake. The predators look very angry and ready to fight until the end. Even the best analyst won't be able to say for sure which of them will emerge victorious.
This case contains one pair of the Exceedingly Rare Gloves. Other valuable skins are hidden in the crate too. A prime example of this is the Glock-18 Neo-Noir. The item costs 6-150 $. As for the container itself, its price is 1.6-1.7 $.
- USP-S | Blueprint
- FAMAS | Macabre
- M4A1-S | Briefing
- MAC-10 | Aloha
- MAG-7 | Hard Water
- Tec-9 | Cut Out
- UMP-45 | Metal Flowers
- AK-47 | Orbit Mk01
- P2000 | Woodsman
- P250 | Red Rock
- P90 | Death Grip
- SSG 08 | Death's Head
- Dual Berettas | Cobra Strike
- Galil AR | Sugar Rush
- M4A4 | Hellfire
- Five-SeveN | Hyper Beast
- AWP | Oni Taiji
- Exceedingly Rare Gloves
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Operation Broken Fang Premium Pass | 10.2 $ |
Fracture Case

In addition to the CSGO logo, the Fracture Case features a pyramid shattering into pieces. The ancient tomb symbolizes the universal hierarchy. In the context of Counter-Strike cases, it can mean the destruction of the old world order on the way to anarchy.
If you open the crate, you'll obtain one of the eighteen colorful skins. To get the case key, you must pay 2.5 $. After unlocking the container, you can acquire some Covert items. They're the AK-47 Legion of Anubis (10-80 $) and Desert Eagle Printstream (40-290 $).
- Negev | Ultralight
- P2000 | Gnarled
- SG 553 | Ol' Rusty
- SSG 08 | Mainframe 001
- P250 | Cassette
- P90 | Freight
- PP-Bizon | Runic
- MAG-7 | Monster Call
- Tec-9 | Brother
- MAC-10 | Allure
- Galil AR | Connexion
- MP5-SD | Kitbash
- M4A4 | Tooth Fairy
- Glock-18 | Vogue
- XM1014 | Entombed
- Desert Eagle | Printstream
- AK-47 | Legion of Anubis
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Fracture Case Key | 2.5 $ |
Glove Case

The Glove Case symbol is a hand holding 3 lightning bolts. In the myths of ancient peoples, lightning usually embodies speed and movement. So, this image expresses the basic qualities that any CSGO player should have.
Among the cases to open, the Glove container isn't the best or the rarest in Counter Strike Global Offensive. However, it includes a few valuable skins. Apparently, for this reason, the key for the crate costs more than 13 $, while the price of the container itself doesn't exceed 2.8-3 $.
- CZ75-Auto | Polymer
- Glock-18 | Ironwork
- MP7 | Cirrus
- Galil AR | Black Sand
- MP9 | Sand Scale
- MAG-7 | Sonar
- P2000 | Turf
- Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts
- G3SG1 | Stinger
- M4A1-S | Flashback
- Nova | Gila
- USP-S | Cyrex
- FAMAS | Mecha Industries
- P90 | Shallow Grave
- Sawed-Off | Wasteland Princess
- SSG 08 | Dragonfire
- M4A4 | Buzz Kill
- Exceedingly Rare Gloves
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Glove Case Key | 13.1 $ |
Gamma Case

The Gamma Case is adorned with an ornate pentagon and a five-pointed star. Among other things, this geometric shape symbolized the god of war in Ancient Rome. Mighty Mars patronized brave warriors and sent good luck in battles to his faithful followers.
What's inside the case? A standard set of 18 skins. 2 of them are Covert. You can purchase the container for about 1 $. You'll have to pay more for the key, as it costs almost 9 $ and is often sold in limited quantities.
- Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo
- MAC-10 | Carnivore
- Nova | Exo
- P250 | Iron Clad
- PP-Bizon | Harvester
- SG 553 | Aerial
- Tec-9 | Ice Cap
- AUG | Aristocrat
- AWP | Phobos
- P90 | Chopper
- R8 Revolver | Reboot
- Sawed-Off | Limelight
- M4A4 | Desolate Space
- P2000 | Imperial Dragon
- SCAR-20 | Bloodsport
- Glock-18 | Wasteland Rebel
- M4A1-S | Mecha Industries
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Gamma Case Key | 8.8 $ |
Gamma 2 Case

The design of the Gamma 2 Case isn't too different from the previous crate. The difference lies only in minor changes in the central and side images on its surface. Otherwise, it's a standard yellow container, which is closed with a padlock.
For the opportunity to open this crate, you need to pay 10.6-10.7 $. It's the price at which the key is sold. If you also don't have the container itself, then the costs will increase by 1-1.1 $. The total is about 12 $. It's worth the risk if you want to add the FAMAS Roll Cage (3-75 $) or AK-47 Neon Revolution (15-130 $) to your collection.
- CZ75-Auto | Imprint
- Five-SeveN | Scumbria
- G3SG1 | Ventilator
- Negev | Dazzle
- P90 | Grim
- UMP-45 | Briefing
- XM1014 | Slipstream
- Desert Eagle | Directive
- Glock-18 | Weasel
- MAG-7 | Petroglyph
- SCAR-20 | Powercore
- SG 553 | Triarch
- AUG | Syd Mead
- MP9 | Airlock
- Tec-9 | Fuel Injector
- AK-47 | Neon Revolution
- FAMAS | Roll Cage
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Gamma 2 Case Key | 10.70 $ |
Shattered Web Case

On the front of the Shattered Web Case, you can see a large gray spider moving down the purple pyramid. In ancient times, arachnids symbolized creativity and hard work. Today they're more often used for intimidation. What exactly did the designers have in mind? We’ll leave figuring that one out to you.
The best skins from this crate are the MAC-10 Stalker (7-350 $) and AWP Containment Breach (40-700 $). The container price is within 1.5 $. In this regard, the loot box with rare weapons isn't much different from many other cases, which also cost 1-3 $.
- MP5-SD | Acid Wash
- Nova | Plume
- G3SG1 | Black Sand
- R8 Revolver | Memento
- Dual Berettas | Balance
- SCAR-20 | Torn
- M249 | Warbird
- PP-Bizon | Embargo
- AK-47 | Rat Rod
- AUG | Arctic Wolf
- MP7 | Neon Ply
- P2000 | Obsidian
- Tec-9 | Decimator
- SG 553 | Colony IV
- SSG 08 | Bloodshot
- AWP | Containment Breach
- MAC-10 | Stalker
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Shattered Web Case Key | 2.5 $ |
Falchion Case

A falchion is a European sword. The design of the one-handed weapon resembles 3 war tools simultaneously: a deadly machete, a formidable Chinese dadao and a curved Persian scimitar. 2 similar blades are placed directly under the skull of a sharp-tooth predator that adorns the side surface of this container.
The Falchion Case is a cheap CSGO container. Its price doesn't exceed 0.4 $. Now as for the key to actually open the box, the situation is exactly the opposite. After purchasing one, your credit card balance will decrease by at least 7 $.
- Galil AR | Rocket Pop
- Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner
- Nova | Ranger
- P90 | Elite Build
- UMP-45 | Riot
- USP-S | Torque
- FAMAS | Neural Net
- M4A4 | Evil Daimyo
- MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart
- Negev | Loudmouth
- P2000 | Handgun
- CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket
- MP7 | Nemesis
- SG 553 | Cyrex
- AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge
- AWP | Hyper Beast
- Exceedingly Rare Falchion Knife
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Falchion Case Key | 7 $ |
Prisma Case

A prism is a device that is used to refract light rays. Something similar is placed right in the center of the triangle on the front of our crate. In total, the Prism container series consists of 2 cases. This is the first one.
Over 100 000 of these crates are sold on the Steam Market. Hence why the Prisma Case costs around 0.15 $. Despite the huge number of containers, the key price is 9 $. Only about 300 of them are available.
- FAMAS | Crypsis
- AK-47 | Uncharted
- MAC-10 | Whitefish
- Galil AR | Akoben
- MP7 | Mischief
- P250 | Verdigris
- P90 | Off World
- AWP | Atheris
- Tec-9 | Bamboozle
- Desert Eagle | Light Rail
- MP5-SD | Gauss
- UMP-45 | Moonrise
- R8 Revolver | Skull Crusher
- AUG | Momentum
- XM1014 | Incinegator
- Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
- M4A4 | The Emperor
- an Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Prisma Case Key | 9 $ |
Huntsman Weapon Case

This container belongs to the rare cases group. The largest CS:GO skins marketplace, the Steam Market, has a little over 2 000 items. Perhaps due to its rarity, the crate is sold for 5.3-5.4 $. After buying it, you'll have a chance to own the AK-47 Vulcan (60-1 500 $).
The central design element of the container is a shield with 3 stars, a large Y and the game logo. Like the other cases, this crate of 16 skins is closed with a padlock. Just looking at it makes you want to use the key to find out what is hidden inside!
- Tec-9 | Isaac
- SSG 08 | Slashed
- Galil AR | Kami
- CZ75-Auto | Twist
- P90 | Module
- P2000 | Pulse
- AUG | Torque
- PP-Bizon | Antique
- XM1014 | Heaven Guard
- MAC-10 | Tatter
- M4A1-S | Atomic Alloy
- SCAR-20 | Cyrex
- USP-S | Caiman
- AK-47 | Vulcan
- M4A4 | Desert-Strike
- Exceedingly Rare Huntsman Knife
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Huntsman Weapon Case Key | 2.5 $ |
Clutch Case

It's easy to buy the Clutch Cases. Over 250 000 of them are sold on the Steam Market alone. The price of the containers is quite affordable for the vast majority of players. You pay only 0.35 $ per item. Given the contents of these crates, the offer is very lucrative.
If you open the container and get lucky, you’ll be able to add the MP7 Bloodsport (2-14 $) or M4A4 Neo-Noir (4-110 $) to your collection. The raven decorating the crate is ready to share its riches with players who aren't afraid to risk 10-15 $!
- PP-Bizon | Night Riot
- Five-SeveN | Flame Test
- MP9 | Black Sand
- P2000 | Urban Hazard
- R8 Revolver | Grip
- SG 553 | Aloha
- XM1014 | Oxide Blaze
- Glock-18 | Moonrise
- Negev | Lionfish
- Nova | Wild Six
- MAG-7 | SWAG-7
- UMP-45 | Arctic Wolf
- AUG | Stymphalian
- AWP | Mortis
- USP-S | Cortex
- M4A4 | Neo-Noir
- MP7 | Bloodsport
- Exceedingly Rare Gloves
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Clutch Case Key | 12.3 $ |
Prisma 2 Case

The second container from the Prisma series. Both cases differ slightly from each other in terms of design. This particular crate has a different background and stroke color of the triangle that was placed on the front side.
Players buy or farm these containers hoping to get one of the Covert skins. The crate we're looking at contains the Glock-18 Bullet Queen and M4A1-S Player Two. The Factory New versions of these items with the StatTrak option cost almost the same: 230 and 235 $ respectively.
- AUG | Tom Cat
- AWP | Capillary
- CZ75-Auto | Distressed
- Desert Eagle | Blue Ply
- MP5-SD | Desert Strike
- Negev | Prototype
- R8 Revolver | Bone Forged
- P2000 | Acid Etched
- Sawed-Off | Apocalypto
- SCAR-20 | Enforcer
- SG 553 | Darkwing
- SSG 08 | Fever Dream
- AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor
- MAC-10 | Disco Tech
- MAG-7 | Justice
- M4A1-S | Player Two
- Glock-18 | Bullet Queen
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Prisma 2 Case Key | 2.5 $ |
CS20 Case

The CS20 Case is a container which is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the most popular online FPS of all time. Yes, you're right, it’s Counter-Strike! It's hard to believe, but our favorite game has successfully crossed the 20-year mark.
Let's go back to our container. It costs 0.25 $ and opens with a key for 7.9-8 $. Along with numerous cheap items, the AWP Wildfire (30-320 $) and FAMAS Commemoration (10-70 $) are waiting for you inside the crate.
- Dual Berettas | Elite 1.6
- Tec-9 | Flash Out
- MAC-10 | Classic Crate
- MAG-7 | Popdog
- SCAR-20 | Assault
- FAMAS | Decommissioned
- Glock-18 | Sacrifice
- M249 | Aztec
- MP5-SD | Agent
- Five-SeveN | Buddy
- P250 | Inferno
- UMP-45 | Plastique
- MP9 | Hydra
- P90 | Nostalgia
- AUG | Death by Puppy
- AWP | Wildfire
- FAMAS | Commemoration
- Exceedingly Rare Classic Knife
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
CS20 Case Key | 7.9 $ |
Danger Zone Case

The coloring of the Danger Zone Case is significantly different from other containers. While the standard crates are completely yellow, this one is only half. The rest of the surface is done in red paint. The front side is decorated with an image of a soldier, which is enclosed in a hexagon.
The container costs mere pennies due to its high prevalence on the market (more than 350 000 items). However, almost 12 $ will be debited from your credit card when you buy a key and open the crate lock. This is due to the fact that very few keys are available.
- MP9 | Modest Threat
- Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze
- Nova | Wood Fired
- M4A4 | Magnesium
- Sawed-Off | Black Sand
- SG 553 | Danger Close
- Tec-9 | Fubar
- G3SG1 | Scavenger
- Galil AR | Signal
- MAC-10 | Pipe Down
- P250 | Nevermore
- USP-S | Flashback
- UMP-45 | Momentum
- Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries
- MP5-SD | Phosphor
- AK-47 | Asiimov
- AWP | Neo-Noir
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Danger Zone Case Key | 11.5 $ |
Horizon Case

The Horizon Case is adorned with a peaceful landscape. The sun depicted as a star rises over the snow-capped peaks of the mountains and illuminates the area with bright light. The five-pointed star is one of CSGO’s symbols. Apparently, the image symbolizes the dawn of the era of cruel online battles between Terrorists and Special Forces.
To access the contents of the container, you need somewhere around 7.5 $. You'll pay 0.25 $ for the crate and 7.2 $ for the key. If you're lucky, your digital arsenal will soon include the AK-47 Neon Rider (25-390 $) or Desert Eagle Code Red (20-180 $).
- AUG | Amber Slipstream
- Dual Berettas | Shred
- Glock-18 | Warhawk
- MP9 | Capillary
- P90 | Traction
- R8 Revolver | Survivalist
- Tec-9 | Snek-9
- CZ75-Auto | Eco
- G3SG1 | High Seas
- Nova | Toy Soldier
- MP7 | Powercore
- M4A1-S | Nightmare
- Sawed-Off | Devourer
- FAMAS | Eye of Athena
- AK-47 | Neon Rider
- Desert Eagle | Code Red
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Horizon Case Key | 7.5 $ |
Winter Offensive Weapon Case

The designers of CS:GO weapon containers like to use stars a lot. The design of this crate continues the once-established tradition. Along with the game logo, it's decorated with a flying five-pointed star against the background of a rhombus.
As for the Covert skins, there are 2 of them as usual. The first item is the M4A4 Asiimov. The futuristic design rifle is priced between 45 and 400 $. The other weapon is the shotgun Sawed-Off The Kraken for 10-80 $.
- Galil AR | Sandstorm
- Five-SeveN | Kami
- M249 | Magma
- PP-Bizon | Cobalt Halftone
- FAMAS | Pulse
- Dual Berettas | Marina
- MP9 | Rose Iron
- Nova | Rising Skull
- M4A1-S | Guardian
- P250 | Mehndi
- AWP | Redline
- M4A4 | Asiimov
- Sawed-Off | The Kraken
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item
How to Get | Key | |
Name | Price | |
Winter Offensive Case Key | 5.4 $ |