Valorant Ranks Compared to CS:GO

Below you can see 2 tables with Counter-Strike and Valorant ranks. They're followed by a third table where we compare the ranks of both games.

CS:GO Ranks

Rank Logo Description
Silver I The first rank in CS:GO. You get it when you start your career as an online soldier.
Silver II The second step on your thorny path to glory, greatness and immortality.
Silver III You're still a beginner, but you already know the basics of competitive games.
Silver IV Another rank that is relatively easy to get. There are many more bloody battles ahead of you.
Silver Elite You're a silver elite warrior now. Basic weapon mechanics are also no longer a secret to you.
Silver Elite Master Just one step, and you're in the next league. Gold Nova is waiting for you!
Gold Nova I The lower ranks are left behind. Let's go to the top of the game Olympus!
Gold Nova II You get a second star for your shoulder straps. There's a reason to celebrate.
Gold Nova III You’re continuing to move along the Gold Nova path. Just a little bit more, and you're a master.
Gold Nova Master This is one of the most popular ranks in CS. If you want to continue moving up the career ladder, get ready for severe trials.
Master Guardian I Lower ranked players are always happy to have you on their teams. Veterans are also ready to fight shoulder to shoulder with you.
Master Guardian II Yet another honored and respected rank among CS players. You've done a great job getting it.
Master Guardian Elite From now on, you belong to the elite! Enemies try not to attract your attention.
Distinguished Master Guardian Higher ranks no longer seem like something unattainable to you. You play like a real pro.
Legendary Eagle Welcome to the major league! Your individual performance is so high that you're rightfully ranked among the best CS players.
Legendary Eagle Master Millions of players worldwide can only dream of this rank. Be proud of your game achievements!
Supreme Master First Class Even fans of other games look at you with respect. You're almost a legend.
Global Elite Global Elite is the highest rank in the game. You're the lord of Counter-Strike! Streets and children are named after you.

Valorant Ranks

Rank Logo Description
Iron 1 The first Valorant rank. We wish you good luck on your way to Radiant!
Iron 2 You're still an iron warrior but already have level 2. Accept our congrats.
Iron 3 You start playing more confidently. Your skills are slowly growing.
Bronze 1 Your current rank is not too far removed from your initial ones. The most difficult trials are yet to come.
Bronze 2 When the game ranking system awards you this rank, don't forget to celebrate this event. Actually, why not?
Bronze 3 Bronze ranks are almost over. Make the last push and join the friendly family of silver warriors.
Silver 1 Apparently, the developers at Riot Games value silver more than their colleagues at Valve. Otherwise, players would start getting silver ranks much earlier.
Silver 2 Getting this rank is a great extra factor to move on. You must admit that Silver 2 sounds much cooler than Silver 1.
Silver 3 Ability usage, placement games and other Valorant mechanics are no longer a mystery behind seven seals to you. Keep it up!
Gold 1 Most likely, the developers of Valorant and CS are very fond of gold. However, who doesn't like it? We're sure that you'll also be delighted with your first gold rank.
Gold 2 Valorant vs. Counter-Strike: which of these two games is better? While other players are engaged in meaningless disputes, you continue to move towards your goal.
Gold 3 Gold is good but platinum is better. You'll realize this wisdom when you reach your next rank.
Platinum 1 Names of Valorant ranks compared to CS:GO might not seem very creative and sonorous. But the main thing isn't the name but the essence. Platinum warriors are always welcome allies on any team. You're one of them now.
Platinum 2 According to the rank distribution charts, the Platinum 2 rank doesn't have such a large number of players. Definitely, you're a true fan of Valorant.
Platinum 3 This Valorant rank is something like the border between the world of game masters and mere mortals. We hope you get through it quickly.
Diamond 1 Your unbelievable skills cause genuine admiration among neophytes! All the ranks that you have previously received pale in direct comparison to the purest brilliance of a diamond.
Diamond 2 Valorant and CS players have great respect for your combat skills. The same goes for gamers of other competitive first-person shooters.
Diamond 3 Do you want to continue your journey to Radiant? If yes, get ready. Starting from the next rank, a real massacre will begin!
Ascendant 1 What is it like to be chosen? Be sure to tell us when you reach this rank.
Ascendant 2 You've attracted the attention of the immortals. Many of the greatest warriors are now arguing whether you have the strength and patience to become one of them.
Ascendant 3 Valorant vs. Counter-Strike debates don't matter to you anymore. Obviously, you've already made your choice.
Immortal 1 Your rank in comparison with other players seems out of reach. Just three tiers, and you're Radiant.
Immortal 2 The life of an immortal warrior is hard and full of dangers. You don't care about that. After all, the cherished goal is very close.
Immortal 3 The last obstacle, and you'll gain the glory of an immortal hero. Can you make the final push?
Radiant That's it, you've become the master of Valorant! All your ranks compared to this are just empty phrases. There are very few players like you in the whole world.

CS:GO and Valorant rank conversion

CS:GO Ranks Valorant Ranks
Silver I Iron 1 Iron 2
Silver II Iron 3
Silver III Bronze 1 Bronze 2
Silver IV Bronze 3
Silver Elite Silver 1
Silver Elite Master Silver 2 Silver 3
Gold Nova I Silver 3 Gold 1
Gold Nova II Gold 1
Gold Nova III Gold 2
Gold Nova Master Cold 2 Gold 3
Master Guardian I Platinum 1
Master Guardian II Platinum 1 Platinum 2
Master Guardian Elite Platinum 2 Platinum 3
Distinguished Master Guardian Platinum 3
Legendary Eagle Diamond 1
Legendary Eagle Master Diamond 1 Diamond 2
Supreme Master First Class Diamond 3
Global Elite Immortal 1, 2, 3 Radiant

Rank Distribution in Valorant and CS:GO

Rank distribution indicates how many percent of players out of the total number of gamers have one or another in-game rank. Below you can find 2 tables that provide relevant information for both games.

Rank distribution in CS:GO

Rank Percentage of players
Silver I 4.51%
Silver II 4.33%
Silver III 4.39%
Silver IV 5.37%
Silver Elite 6.70%
Silver Elite Master 7.70%
Gold Nova I 8.52%
Gold Nova II 8.81%
Gold Nova III 8.73%
Gold Nova Master 8.17%
Master Guardian I 7.39%
Master Guardian II 6.30%
Master Guardian Elite 5.25%
Distinguished Master Guardian 4.07%
Legendary Eagle 3.16%
Legendary Eagle Master 3.19%
Supreme Master First Class 2.61%
Global Elite 0.78%

The most popular ranks in CS:GO belong to the Gold Nova category. The percentage of another 10 ranks ranges from 4% to almost 8%. The penultimate 3 ranks don't differ too much from each other in percentage terms. The only exception is Supreme Master First Class which is about 0.5% less than the previous two ranks. The rarest rank is Global Elite. Experienced players claim that it takes up to 350 hours to get it.

Rank distribution in Valorant

Rank Percentage of players
Iron 1 0.5%
Iron 2 1.8%
Iron 3 4.5%
Bronze 1 4.9%
Bronze 2 6.0%
Bronze 3 6.1%
Silver 1 7.5%
Silver 2 7.1%
Silver 3 7.3%
Gold 1 7.6%
Gold 2 6.8%
Gold 3 6.4%
Platinum 1 6.4%
Platinum 2 5.3%
Platinum 3 4.6%
Diamond 1 4.4%
Diamond 2 3.4%
Diamond 3 2.8%
Ascendant 1 2.3%
Ascendant 2 1.5%
Ascendant 3 1.1%
Immortal 1 0.9%
Immortal 2 0.2%
Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%

The percentage of most Valorant ranks ranges from 4% to over 7%. Interestingly, only 0.5% of players have the first rank. The most popular ranks are Gold 1 and Silver 1, 2, and 3. As for Radiant, 0.03% of gamers have reached it. In addition, the data presented in the table can be used for a kind of quick rank conversion.

Let's take Platinum 1. It has 6.4%. We look at the CS:GO ranking table and find a match. It's Silver Elite (6.70%). If you’ve been carefully reading this post, you should have noticed that in another section, Platinum 1 corresponds to Master Guardian I and II. This is because there we relied on the feedback of gamers. Here we used rank conversion taking into account the percentage of players.

How do Valorant ranks differ from CS:GO?

The ranking systems of both games seem very similar. Indeed, there is nothing special about the ranks, which we can find in thousands of videogames. How do they differ from each other? The main difference is the process of obtaining them. It depends on various in-game features.

Competitive mode in CS:GO right from the beginning

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, you can play in competitive mode right after first launching the game. To get your first rank, you must win 10 battles. You'll have to fight with beginners and experienced gamers. The minimum rank you can get is Silver I.

In Valorant, you must win 10 battles in the so-called unrated mode. When you get access to the competitive mode, you'll have to win 5 matches. After that, you'll receive your first rank. The minimum one is Iron 1. If you play like a pro, you may obtain the Immortal rank.

A vast evaluation process in Valorant

Kills and damage aren't the only factors that are taken into account to determine a gamer's rank in Valorant. Ability usage is also very important. Finally, the game evaluates what benefits the player brings to his or her team.

There are no abilities in CS:GO. That's why its gameplay is somewhat simpler. By the way, some players think that abilities are more of a disadvantage than an advantage of Valorant. This opinion is especially held by gamers who like to shoot and hate using "magic".

An equal approach for all the ranks in CS:GO

In CS:GO, the algorithms of the ranking system don't change depending on the player's rank. They're the same for Silver I and Gold Nova I or Master Guardian Elite. The better you play in the competitive mode, the faster you get new ranks.

In Valorant, the ranking system is more complicated. As long as you have a low rank, your individual performance comes to the fore. When you start getting high ranks, other factors become a priority: the match outcome, the team performance, etc.

A more complex ranking system in Valorant

If you often win battles in CS:GO, your rank increases. When you lose for a long time, it decreases. Of course, deranking is a bad thing. But just as you can't win all the time, it's impossible to always lose. Sooner or later, the black stripe is replaced by a white one.

As for Valorant, we have Variance here. This factor is used to identify the trend of rank gains and losses. It means that a long streak of losses doesn't always result in deranking. Before you lose your current rank, you'll be given a lot of opportunities to correct the situation in your favor.

Easier rank-ups in low ranks in Valorant compared to CS:GO

Until a certain point, many Valorant players complained that they couldn't get out of the "iron league" for a long time. Everything changed when the developers released patch 1.14. Gamers with low ranks began to move up the in-game "career ladder" faster.

As we mentioned before, your rank isn't taken into account by the CS:GO ranking system. If you're a low-ranked player, you won't receive any bonuses. All gamers are equal. These are Valve's rules for fans of the competitive mode.


Is CS:GO harder than Valorant?

This question can't be answered objectively. While some players will say that CS:GO is easier than Valorant, others will have the opposite opinion. Beginners may find both games very difficult.

Is CS:GO better than Valorant?

The answer depends on your personal preferences. If you're a big fan of CS:GO and have been playing it for many years, you're unlikely to enjoy any other game. However, never say never.

What is silver in Valorant and CS:GO?

In Counter-Strike, Silver is a category of 6 initial ranks: Silver I, Silver II, Silver III Silver IV, Silver Elite, and Silver Elite Master.

In Valorant, Silver is a category of 3 middle ranks: Silver 1, Silver 2 and Silver 3. If you have one of these ranks, your skills can be rated as average.

What is Master Guardian 1 in CS:GO?

It's an intermediate game rank. Players who receive it have good gaming skills. They're well versed in CS mechanics and great at playing as part of a team. In competitive games, this is one of the main advantages.

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