Some CS:GO fans like to do more than just kill enemies in bloody online battles. They sometimes want to try their luck in exciting games of chance. Niche gambling games like the mega-popular CS:GO Roulette are perfect for this.

When you play any kind of roulette and rely only on Her Majesty Lady Luck, your chances of winning are constantly changing. The risk of losing is greatly decreased if you use some strategies. This is their main idea and advantage.

After you read our post, you'll be able to choose a CS:GO Roulette strategy which, with a certain amount of luck, will help you win some money or skins. We'll give you useful tips and tell you about effective risk-management methods that are used by professional gamblers. Let's start!

What is CS:GO Roulette?

CS:GO Roulette is a niche gamble that is primarily aimed at Counter-Strike fans. Instead of money, it's often played for CS:GO skins. Items are usually exchanged for a certain number of coins. Online casinos call them by different names. For example, credits.

The important thing you need to understand is that CS:GO skins aren't real money. Gambling sites use them as something like virtual betting currency. Many players who are just starting to play Counter-Strike Roulette don't take this into account. Because of this, they sometimes have problems with the administration of websites that accept in-game items as bets

The standard reward in CS:GO Roulette is skins of different rarity and cost. Gambling sites also pay out winnings in real money or cryptocurrencies. Their coins are often used to increase gamblers' bankroll until they request a withdrawal.

The history of regular roulette goes back hundreds of years. Standard tables for this gambling that is used in land-based and online casinos have 37 numbers. You can bet on each of them, as well as red, black, odd, even, etc.

CS:GO Roulette appeared relatively recently. Its virtual table has only 15 numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 0. They're divided into 3 betting categories. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are red, and 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are black. 0 is green.

In CS:GO Roulette, you can't bet on numbers. You win when you guess their color. Let's take red numbers as an example. If 0 or 8-14 comes up, you lose. Otherwise, you double your money. Basically, it's not super complicated. You can master the rules of the game in 5-10 minutes.

The House Edge of this type of roulette is 5 %. This term means the profit that the casino gets by serving its gamblers. We're talking about the long run. Gambling websites don't have stable income because their users are constantly winning and losing money.

If casinos beat gamblers all the time, no one would play them. In contrast, if users won constantly, it would simply ruin the gambling houses. That's why respectable sites and establishments set their profit margins within industry standard values. It's 1-5 % for roulette.

How do I bet on CS:GO Roulette?

First of all, you need to choose a gambling website where you're going to play. Do a little research and select a couple of sites that are trusted by the gamblers. Read the comments of their users, find out some info about the promo codes offered by them, etc. If you have the slightest suspicion about the honesty of a particular service, quit the website and never return there again.

We recommend registering only on online gambling services that adhere to the principles of fair play. A prominent example is PLG.BET. When you place bets on our site, you can easily check their fairness. In addition to this, we guarantee the fastest possible withdrawal of funds or sending new skins if you prefer in-game items instead of money.

After registering on the selected site, don't start playing there until you read its rules. Conflicts often arise between casinos and their users due to inattentive reading of the rules. If the rules contain any unclear points, contact support for clarification. OK, we've covered the basics. It's time to place a bet and take the first step to win the jackpot!

Color Bet Multiplier
Red x2
Black x2
Green x14

Unlike the regular roulette game, zero comes up much more often in the CS variant. The probability of this event is 1/14 instead of 1/37. If you are going to play any strategy, you must take this factor into account. You shouldn't be surprised by the very frequent occurrence of zeros. This is absolutely normal and natural here.

The size of bets on roulette sites is determined in several ways. You can specify the amount of your bet yourself by entering it in a special field. An alternative method is to click on a button like 1/2 or MAX. The main thing is that the value of your bet doesn't exceed the limits set by the casino. By the way, on PLG.BET it's 1-5000,000 coins.

After the break, a round begins. While the roulette wheel is spinning, you cannot bet. When it stops, lucky players get their winnings. Then it's time for another break and new bets. This process is repeated indefinitely. As opposed to land-based casinos, their online counterparts operate 24/7/365, which is a pretty big advantage.

For the convenience of players, roulette sites often add additional options that simplify the perception of the gameplay. Let's take PLG.BET. We added a chat, statistics on the last 10 numbers, and real-time updated lists of users that clearly demonstrate the distribution of other players' bets. Our team has also developed a constantly updated jackpot scoreboard.

What are the basic CS:GO Roulette strategies?

In regular roulette, players use dozens of methods to reduce the risk of losing, from the Martingale to James Bond strategy. Many of them are quite applicable to the Counter-Strike version of the game. You can read about the most simple and effective strategies below.

Martingale Strategy / Double Up System

This is the most popular roulette strategy of all time! The essence of the Martingale system is as follows: continue doubling your bet until you win. It's a perfect strategy for beginners. However, professional gamblers use it too. Let's see how the Martingale strategy works.

Before we start betting, we determine the amount of a bet. Let’s say 10 $. The first round begins. We bet 10 $ and lose. In the next spin, we increase our wager by 2 times. It’s 20 $ now.

Imagine that we lose 3 rounds in a row but in the fourth one we get lucky. Our betting line is 10, 20, 40, 80 $. The total cost is 10 + 20 + 40 + 80 = 150 $. In the last spin we win and get 160 $. Our profit is 160 – 150 = 10 $.

According to the Martingale Strategy, we must strictly adhere to the value of the initial bet. If in the first round it's 10 $, its size must increase exactly 2 times when we lose. With subsequent losses, the amount of the current wager is doubled. You can see the correct betting line in the table.

Round 1 2 3 4
Bet 10$ 20$ 40$ 80$

We also must bet on the same outcome. If in the first round we start betting on red numbers, we must continue to do the same thing until we win. Following these simple rules guarantees that the Martingale strategy works at its best.

Alambert Strategy

Jean Le Rond D'Alembert
Jean Le Rond D'Alembert

The D'Alembert strategy involves the use of a so-called base unit. This is the amount which our bet is increased or decreased by. To better understand the essence of this strat, take a look at the table below where the betting line for the 10 $ base unit is presented.

Round Bet Outcome Bankroll
1 10 $ Win +20 $
2 10 $ Win +20 $
3 10 $ Lose -10 $
4 20 $ Lose - 20$
5 30 $ Win +60 $
6 20 $ Win +40 $

Just like with the Martingale system, this roulette strategy works effectively when we bet on the same outcome. In our case, these are red/black numbers. Our wager in the first round is equivalent to the base unit. We bet its amount until we lose.

As we can see in the table, we lose in round 3. The strat requires us to raise the bet by the value of the base unit. In spin 4, we lose again. Our wager increases by another 10 $. We win in round 5. Thanks to this, we can decrease our bet in spin 6 to 20 $.

Let's calculate our losses and profits. We bet 10 + 10 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 20 = 100 $. The bankroll is 20 + 20 - 10 - 20 + 60 + 40 = 110 $. As a result, we have 110 – 100 = 10 $. The more winning sessions, the higher your profit.

We cannot say that the d'Alembert system is the best strategy that exists today. But experienced gambling fans actively use it to minimize their risks during exciting fights with Lady Luck. You should consider it too.

Fibonacci Strategy

Leonardo Pisano aka Fibonacci
Leonardo Pisano aka Fibonacci

Yet another roulette winning strategy! This time from the great mathematician Fibonacci. He didn't invent it for gambling. Nonetheless, the number series of the medieval genius have long been an integral part of roulette strategies. This method of betting is best explained with a quick example. The following table shows the possible bets and outcomes for 9 rounds.

Round Bet Outcome
1 10 $ Lose
2 10 $ Lose
3 20 $ (10$ + 10$) Lose
4 30 $ (10$ + 20$) Win
5 50 $ (20$ + 30$) Lose
6 80 $ (30$ + 50$) Lose
7 130 $ (50$ + 80$) Lose
8 230 $ (80$ + 130$) Win
9 340 $ (80$ + 130$) Win

Following the Fibonacci strategy, we bet the same amount for the first 2 rounds. Starting from round 3, we add up the amounts of the previous two bets. We do this until we get a profit that suits us or reach the end of the series. It's round 9 in the table above.

The cost of betting is 10 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 50 + 80 + 130 + 210 + 340 = 880 $. Our losses are 10 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 80 + 130 = 280 $. Our profits are (50 + 210 + 340) * 2 = 1200 $. We're multiplying this by 2 because we bet on equal-odds outcomes (red/black numbers).

The Fibonacci Strategy allows us to make a good jackpot. If the events are in our favor as in the table, we'll get 1200 – 280 = 920 $. On the other hand, we risk a lot of money on a long losing streak. Especially when we lose in rounds 7-9. Be careful with this strategy!

Labouchere Strategy

Henry Du Pré Labouchère
Henry Du Pré Labouchère

Although the Labouchere Strategy looks rather confusing, there's nothing complicated about it. Before starting the game, we determine the amount we want to win at the end of our gambling journey. To simplify the calculations, let’s take 60 $

The second step is the compilation of a special number series. The sum of its elements must be equal to our potential profit. Our number series is 10, 20, 30. We choose these numbers because 10 + 20 + 30 = 60 $. Then we add the first and last number. Our wager is 40 $.

We bet on outcomes with equal odds (red/black numbers). If we win, we remove the first and last element from our number series. When we lose, the current bet amount becomes its last element. We follow this strategy until we make a profit of 60 $. The table below shows a possible game session scenario.

Bet Outcome Number Series
40 $ (10 $ + 30 $) Lose 10, 20, 30, 40
50 $ (10 $ + 40 $) Lose 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
60 $ (10 $ + 50 $) Win 20, 30, 40
60 $ (20 $ + 40 $) Lose 20, 30, 40, 60
80 $ (20 $ + 60 $) Lose 20, 30, 40, 60, 80
100 $ (20 $ + 80 $) Win 30, 40, 60
90 $ (30 $ + 60 $) Win 40
40 $ Lose 40, 40
80 $ (40 $ + 40 $) Win -
Bets Winnings
40 + 50 + 60 + 60 + 80 + 100 + 90 + 40 + 80 = 600 $ (60 + 100 + 90 + 80) * 2 = 660 $
Profit 660 – 600 = 60 $

This strategy requires us to be careful when we calculate costs and profits. Until you learn how to quickly make calculations in your mind, keep a piece of paper handy. Write down your number series on it and then add or remove elements with your pen or pencil.

Zero-Based Strategy

You probably noticed that in the previous 4 strategies, we always recommended betting on red/black numbers. But what about zero or a single green number? The Zero-Based Strategy is at your service! It's relatively simple and profitable in the long run.

Round Outcome Bet Costs Profit
1-14 Lose 10 $ 140 $ -
15-21 Lose 20 $ 280 $ (140 $ + 140 $) -
22-25 Lose 30 $ 400 $ (280 $ + 120 $) -
26 Win 40 $ 440 $ (400 $ + 40 $) 560 $ (14 * 40 $)
120 $ (560 $ - 440 $)

Let's describe our strategy in more detail. We constantly bet the same amount on zero for 14 rounds in a row. Why 14? If zero comes up, our bet is increased by 14 times. To ensure breakeven, we must win at least 1 round out of 14 ones.

In the first 14 rounds we failed to win. As a consequence, we double our initial bet. This ensures that we break even if we lose for the next 7 spins. In round 22, we triple the bet and protect ourselves from losses for the next 4 spins.

Things heat up in round 26. Quadrupling our bet guarantees us safety for another 4 spins while we've already spent 400 $. Fortunately, in round 26 we win and end up with a profit of 120 $ or 12x the initial wager. Our Zero-Based strategy worked perfectly.

This CS:GO Roulette Strategy seems to be risky. But always remember that in the Counter-Strike version of roulette, zero comes up more often than on standard wheels with 37 sectors. High-risk strategies like the Zero-Based one give good results quite often.

CSGO Roulette strategy tips and tricks

1. Don't bet big unless you're a millionaire. It's better to follow some strategy and win small amounts of money than to take high risks for dubious results.

2. Play only on respectable sites like PLG.BET. Trusted websites value their reputation and never cheat players for money or CS:GO skins.

3. Use bonuses. Free coins give you a great opportunity to try your luck without spending your money. You can even win valuable skins or hit the jackpot thanks to them.

4. Choose websites with a lot of games such as PLG.BET. In addition to Roulette, we have CS:GO Dice, Crash and Coin Flip. We also provide an Esports betting service and classical gambling games.

5. Manage your money wisely. Never give in to the temptation to drastically change your strategy on a long losing streak. This usually causes you to lose your initial stake.

6. Begin your gambling journey with free games. This will allow you to delve into the features of gambling without risking your own money.

7. Follow the actions of experienced gamblers. It's easy to do this on PLG.BET. Before the start of the rounds, we show the bets of other users. If you wish, you can find out their betting patterns.

Finally, we'll give you the most important tip. Never take gambling as a source of easy money. Always play for fun and Fortune won't bypass you with her attention!

So do I really have chances to win in CS:GO Roulette using these strategies?

Yes and no. There is no worst or best roulette strategy. All betting tactics only decrease the risk of losing but don't completely eliminate it. If there was a method that would allow you to always beat the casino, all gambling houses would have closed long ago.

When you begin to follow a particular CS:GO Roulette strategy, you can either lose an impressive part of your deposit or hit a huge jackpot. Lady Luck has an unpredictable nature. You never know when she'll show you some favor.

Although no strategy prevents the risk of losing, we recommend using one. They streamline the game, provide effective money management, and increase your chances of winning. Pros always play according to their strategies and often end their gaming sessions with a profit.

In our post, we told you about 5 great strategies that are simple and highly effective. You just have to put them into practice. Use them all, and you'll definitely find a method that will help you win in battles with beautiful Fortune.

Try any CS:GO Roulette strategy you like on PLG.BET! We don't ban our dear users for using various betting patterns. Play as you wish and win amazing skins, real money, or cryptocurrencies. If you haven't registered on our site yet, do it right now and get free coins. We're always happy to see CS:GO fans who want to spend their free time in an unforgettable way!