How to set up a game before using commands
To make give commands work, you must first enable the developer console and special cheats. Read the instructions below to learn how to do it.
1. Enable your developer console
1. Open your game settings and find the Enable the Developer Console option.
2. Select YES from the dropdown list.
3. If you don't like the default hotkey for opening the console, go to the Keyboard/Mouse settings and find the Toggle Console option in the UI keys section.
4. Set a key. That's all. Now you can use various CS:GO console commands.
2. Enable cheats and use some give commands
1. To open your console, press ~ (the tilde sign) or another key that you set while changing your game settings. If you did everything right, you'll see a terminal window.
2. Type sv_cheats 1 and press ENTER. This will enable cheats for any give weapon commands.
3. Type some command like give weapon_deagle or give weapon_p250. If you end up with the weapon, congratulations, you've successfully activated cheats.
CS:GO Give Weapon Commands
In this section, we posted the most useful console commands for getting different types of weapons. For your convenience, they're divided into categories. Since you probably won't be able to remember these commands the first time around, we recommend you to bookmark this page and then use it as a guide.
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Desert Eagle | weapon_deagle | |
R8 Revolver | weapon_revolver | |
Glock-18 | weapon_glock | give weapon_glock |
USP-S | weapon_usp_silencer | give weapon_usp_silencer |
CZ75-Auto | weapon_cz75a | give weapon_cz75a |
Five-SeveN | weapon_fiveseven | give weapon_fiveseven |
P250 | weapon_p250 | give weapon_p250 |
Tec-9 | weapon_tec9 | give weapon_tec9 |
Dual Berettas | weapon_elite | give weapon_elite |
P2000 | weapon_hkp2000 | give weapon_hkp2000 |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
FAMAS | weapon_famas | give weapon_famas |
Galil AR | weapon_galilar | give weapon_galilar |
M4A4 | weapon_m4a4 | give weapon_m4a4 |
M4A1-S | weapon_m4a1_silencer | give weapon_m4a1_silencer |
AK-47 | weapon_ak47 | give weapon_ak47 |
AUG | weapon_aug | give weapon_aug |
SG-553 | weapon_sg553 | give weapon_sg553 |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
MP9 | weapon_mp9 | give weapon_mp9 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mae10 | give weapon_mac 10 |
PP-Bizon | weapon_bizon | give weapon_bizon |
MP7 | weapon_mp7 | give weapon_mp7 |
UMP-45 | weapon_ump45 | give weapon_ump45 |
P90 | weapon_p90 | give weapon_p90 |
MP5-SD | weapon_mp5sd | give weapon_mp5sd |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
M249 | weapon_m249 | give weapon_m249 |
Negev | weapon_negev | give weapon_negev |
Sawed-Off | weapon_sawedoff | give weapon_sawedoff |
Mag7 | weapon_mag7 | give weapon_mag7 |
Nova | weapon_nova | give weapon_nova |
XM1014 | weapon_xml014 | give weapon_xml014 |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Flasbang | weapon_flashbang | give weapon_flashbang |
HE Grenade | weapon_hegrenade | give weapon_hegrenade |
Decoy | weapon_decoy | give weapon_decoy |
Molotov | weapon_molotov | give weapon_molotov |
Smoke | weapon_smokegrenade | give weapon_smokegrenade |
Zeus | weapon_taser | give weapon_taser |
Kevlar | item_kevlar | give item_kevlar |
Kevlar + Helmet | item_assaultsuit | give item_assaultsuit |
Sniper Rifles
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
SSG 08 | weapon_ssg08 | give weapon_ssg08 |
AWP | weapon_awp | give weapon_awp |
SCAR-20 | weapon_scar20 | give weapon_scar20 |
G3SG1 | weapon_g3sgl | give weapon_g3sgl |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Nova | weapon_nova | give weapon_nova |
XM1014 | weapon_xm1014 | give weapon_xml014 |
MAG-7 | weapon_mag7 | give weapon_mag7 |
Sawed-Off | weapon_sawedoff | give weapon_sawedoff |
Machine Guns
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
M249 | weapon_m249 | give weapon_m249 |
Negev | weapon_negev | give weapon_negev |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Bayonet knife | weapon_bayonet | give weapon_bayonet |
M9 Bayonet | weapon_m9 bayonet | give weapon_m9_bayonet |
Butterfly Knife | weapon_butterfly | give weapon_butterfly |
Falchion Knife | weapon_falchion | give weapon_falchion |
Flip Knife | weapon_flip | give weapon_flip |
Gut Knife | weapon_gut | give weapon_gut |
Huntsman Knife | weapon_tactical | give weapon_tactical |
Karambit Knife | weapon_karambit | give weapon_karambit |
Bowie Knife | weapon_survival_bowie | give weapon_survival_bowie |
Shadow Dagger | weapon_knife_push | give weapon_knife_push |
Default terrorists knife | weapon_knife_t | give weapon_knife_t |
counter-terrorists knife | weapon_knife_ct | give weapon_knife_ct |
Golden Knife | weapon_knifegg | give weapon_knifegg |
Ursus Knife | weapon_knife_ursus | give weapon_knife_ursus |
Navaj a Knife | weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife | give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife |
Stiletto Knife | weapon_knife_stiletto | give weapon_knife_stiletto |
Talon Knife | weapon_knife_widowmaker | give weapon_knife_widowmaker |
Survival Knife | weapon_knife_canis | give weapon_knife_canis |
Paracord Knife | weapon_knife_cord | give weapon_knife_cord |
Skeleton Knife | weapon_knife_skeleton | give weapon_knife_skeleton |
Nomad Knife | weapon_knife_outdoor | give weapon_knife_outdoor |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Decoy | weapon_decoy | give weapon_decoy |
Flashbang Grenade | weapon_flashbang | give weapon_flashbang |
Smoke Grenade | weapon_smokegrenade | give weapon_smokegrenade |
HE Grenade | weapon_hegrenade | give weapon_hegrenade |
Molotov grenade | weapon_molotov | give weapon_molotov |
Incendiary grenade | weapon_incgrenade | give weapon_incgrenade |
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Kevlar + Helmet | item_assaultsuit | give item_assaultsuit |
C4 bomb | weapon_c4 | give weapon_c4 |
Defuse Kit | item_defuser | give item_defuser |
Zeus | weapon_taser | give weapon_taser |
Kevlar | item_kevlar | give item_kevlar |
Mission Gear
item_Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Nightvision | item_nvgs | give item_nvgs |
Heavy Assault Suit | item_heavyassaultsuit | give item_heavyassaultsuit |
Rescue Kit | item_cutters | give item_cutters |
Healthshot | weapon_healthshot | give weapon_healthshot |
Tactical Awareness Grenade | weapon_tagrenade | give weapon_tagrenade |
Breachcharge | weapon_breachcharge | give weapon_breachcharge |
Danger Zone
Item Name | Give Code | Give Command |
Diversion Device | weapon_diversion | give weapon_diversion |
Firebomb | weapon_firebomb | give weapon_firebomb |
Frag Grenade | weapon_frag | give weapon_frag |
Snowball | weapon_snowball | give weapon_snowball |
Tablet | weapon_tablet | give weapon_tablet |
Bump Mine | weapon_bumpmine | give weapon_bumpmine |
Ballistic shield | weapon_shield | give weapon_shield |
When you use any give weapon command in CS:GO and run out of ammo, open your console and type givecurrentammo. As you can probably guess, this will provide you with ammo for your current gun. But what if you don't want to enter the command every time?
The first way to solve the problem is the sv_infinite_ammo 1 console command. After you type it, your ammo will become infinite. You also won't have to worry about reloading. Just shoot all the enemies non-stop for your pleasure.
You can also use the sv_infinite_ammo 2 command. Just like in the previous case, your ammo will no longer run out, but you'll need to reload your weapon from time to time. To disable the cheats, type sv_infinite_ammo 0.
How can you revert CS:GO commands to give weapon effect?

To disable cheat console commands, you can use sv_cheats 0. By the way, any war tool in CS:GO has its own weapon code. We marked it as Give Code in the tables above. For the convenience of the players, the code usually has a more common name, such as weapon_c4 or weapon_snowball.
The main advantage of the console commands is ease of use. Typing any one of them takes no more than 5-10 seconds. It's very convenient and saves a lot of time. Especially if you want to try lots of settings during your game session.
What can you use CS:GO console commands to give weapon cheats for?
Players enable cheat console commands for various reasons. Some of them like to play with bots but don't want to wait for the moments when they can use specific war tools. These gamers use give weapon cheats and get pistols, rifles or knives in no time.
Quite a few Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players have blogs and YouTube channels. To create content, they often need videos or screenshots of a particular weapon. Cheats allow them to get the necessary footage as fast as possible.
Finally, all the commands that provide quick access to weapons are used for training. Each CS:GO war tool has its own unique features. The better you master them, the more effective you'll be at killing your enemies. Cheats will help you to achieve your gaming goals.
How do you give players weapons in CS:GO?
As we mentioned before, you can't use give weapon cheats during standard multiplayer matches. This feature is only available for single player battles. If you need to hand over some war tools to other players, you must drop it during the game session or send it via your inventory (e.g. gifts for friends).
How do you drop weapons in CSGO?
1. Open your in-game Buy Menu. To do this, press B. It's a default key for buying weapons. If the menu doesn't appear after pressing B, check your game settings. It's quite possible that you need to use another key.
2. Hold down CTRL.
3. Move the mouse over the weapon you want to drop and left-click on it. You can also press hotkeys that you use to buy war tools quickly.
Professional players can drop weapons in a special way. Imagine that some soldier is hiding behind the crates. If he leaves his shelter, he'll die immediately. Suddenly, his teammate appears and throws a sniper rifle at him from a safe place. As a result, the soldier kills his opponents in seconds.
Learning to drop weapons this way well takes practice. The console commands for giving game war tools will save you a lot of time. Once you're done with throwing one weapon, you can immediately move on to the next one.
How do you give items to other players in CSGO?
1. Open Steam, click on Friends and choose View Friends List.
2. Find your friend who you want to send items to, click on his or her nickname and choose View Profile.
3. Click on the small arrow in the right corner to open the dropdown list as shown in the picture below. Find Offer a Trade there.
4. Click on the images of the items you want to send to your friend. When you're done, check the box next to Click here to confirm trade contents.
5. After the warning message appears, click on the button that says "Yes, this is a gift".
6. Click Make Offer.
7. Click the OK button to move onto additional confirmation.
8. Go to your email account (e.g. Gmail) and find the letter with the Steam Trade Confirmation topic. Open it.
9. Scroll to the bottom of the email and click on Send Trade Offer.
10. If after all the steps above, you'll see an image similar to the one below, then the sending of your items was successful.
How do I give myself smokes in CS:GO?
Enable cheats via sv_cheats 1 and then use the following console commands. First of all, type sv_infinite_ammo 1 for infinite ammo. Your next step is to enter the give weapon_smokegrenade command which will provide you with the weapons you need. If during your grenade throwing practice you want to see the trajectory of the grenades you fling, type sv_grenade_trajectory 1 in your console.
How to stop using commands in a current game?
Just type sv_cheats 0 in the game console.
How to enable fists/bare hands?
1. Drop your knife. To make it possible, type mp_drop_knife_enable 1 in your console.
2. Switch the game to the Danger Zone mode. Use the following 2 console commands: game_mode 0, game_type 6.
3. Enable fists/bare hands by the give weapon_fists command.
The CS:GO commands for giving weapons are useful and powerful tools that help players to improve their game skills. Thanks to them, gamers can easily get any war tools without boring grinding or endless repetitive matches. They just type "give + code of the necessary weapon" and guns or knives appear in their hands. Be sure to make use of this feature.